Last week CAPE team visited Open Lab – Newcastle University where we discussed possible future collaborations.
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Civic Agency in Public E-service innovation
Last week CAPE team visited Open Lab – Newcastle University where we discussed possible future collaborations.
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🇩🇰🇫🇮🇸🇪 Major dissemination results from CAPE project 🇩🇰🇫🇮🇸🇪
This week we were notified by NordForsk that our policy brief article: ‘How can Libraries Foster Civic Engagement in Digital Public Service Development?’, was accepted and will be included in the Nordforsk publication ‘Fast Track to Vision 2030’. It will be disseminated directly to the Nordic Council of Ministers, the Nordic Council, policy makers and senior officials in the Nordic cooperation and to other relevant stakeholders.
🎉 New article about the CAPE project.
“In the CAPE research project, experiences are collected and analyzed from some of the country’s voluntary IT volunteers who help digitally vulnerable citizens. The research results can become valuable when the current public IT systems need to be improved – and when the future solutions needs to be designed.”
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Yesterday we ended the Nordic #PDC2022 Place! 🇩🇰🇸🇪🇫🇮
Nordic #PDC2022 Place event was part of the Participatory Design Conference (PDC). As a Nordic organisers we planned and coordinated different events, together with many different researchers and practitioners from the Nordic region.
Today we present the first event – Open Street Map conference – a full day event we co-organised together with Ballerup Kommune that took place on 17th of September in Ballerup library.
Continue reading “Open Street Mapping conference in Ballerup, Denmark”
CAPE update from Sweden 🇸🇪
At the beginning of June Per Linde from Malmö University represented CAPE at the City Expo 22 in Helsingborg, Sweden.
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Activity update from CAPE Denmark. Last week we had the pleasure of hosting a workshop with Anja Frøhlich Kronborg – Senior UX Designer of MitID at the Danish Agency for Digitisation.
Yesterday CAPE project leader, Jörn Christiansson took part in a “Digital Sundhed 2021” (eng. “Digital Health”) event, that took place in Fællessalen in Christiansborg. The event was organised by Organisationen af Lægevidenskabelige Selskaber (LVS), with support of Novo Nordisk Foundation: Application Calls and Grants.